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What is motion capture?

Curiously, look at what CHAT GPT has to say about motion capture, when asked:
" Explain in 10 sentences what motion capture is and what technologies are currently used"

Chat GPT


<< Motion capture, also known as mocap, is a technique used to record the movements of people or objects and convert them into digital data. This data can then be used to create realistic 3D animations for movies, video games, and other digital media.

There are several technologies currently used for motion capture, including optical, magnetic, and inertial systems. Optical systems use cameras and markers to track the movements of people or objects in real-time. These markers are typically placed on key points of the body or object and are tracked by the cameras to create a 3D model.

Magnetic systems use sensors and electromagnetic fields to track the movements of people or objects. The sensors are typically placed on key points of the body or object and are tracked by the electromagnetic field to create a 3D model.

Inertial systems use sensors and accelerometers to track the movements of people or objects. The sensors are typically placed on key points of the body or object and are used to measure the movement and orientation of the object.

Motion capture is used in many industries, including entertainment, sports, and medicine. In the entertainment industry, motion capture is used to create realistic animations for movies, video games, and virtual reality experiences.

In the sports industry, motion capture is used to analyze the movements of athletes and improve their performance. In the medical industry, motion capture is used to analyze the movements of patients and develop treatments for conditions such as Parkinson's disease and cerebral palsy.

Motion capture technology is constantly evolving, and new techniques and systems are being developed to improve accuracy and efficiency. These advancements are expected to lead to more realistic and immersive digital experiences in the future. >>

It is quite interesting to see how common problems in motion capture are not mentioned (for example, the well-known problem of interference between magnetic sensors and ferromagnetic materials). What is also not mentioned is everything that Turingsense technology made possible in the past years, thanks to innovation in hardware, software and measurement prototolcs.
Please visit our Turing Motion section for more information.

Also don't forget to watch our explanatory video regarding Wearable Motion Capture:


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Turingsense EU Lab

Your movements matter.

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